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Custom Learning
Engagement Campaigns

Adult learners need to know “what’s in it for me”.
Our Engagement Campaigns are designed to move people from “don’t know, don’t care” to “ah, ok, that’s interesting, tell me more!” Also referred to as The Magic Window, these engaging messages or awareness campaigns prime learners and spark curiosity around topics or themes.

Our approach

Emotion enhanced learning

Just like well-designed marketing campaigns, we unlock human insights, build creative concepts and deploy smart, trackable tactics that make frontline teams lean in. Think LTOs, employer brand campaigns, public health or other safety initiatives, new equipment rollouts and the like.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Customer case: QSR customer

Pandemic reopening campaign

To highlight the importance of our customer’s reopening procedures amongst their frontline, we distributed posters with a QR code that links to a powerful video message.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Customer case: Global FMCG brand

Awareness campaign

Created to prevent factory and frontline workers from becoming complacent, a global awareness campaign was launched to drive food safety and foreign body awareness amongst frontline teams.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

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